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Lawrence Aguero founded Aguero Bookkeeping Company in 2013 and renamed the company to Aguero CPA to provide additional services such as specialized accounting, audit services, and IRS representation. Lawrence has a vast experience in auditing and accounting with over fourteen years as a Revenue and Productivity Analyst II and Special Projects Administrator for Miami-Dade County Aviation Department known as Miami International Airport. With his auditing skills, he has discovered additional revenues of over one million dollars, found savings in reducing work process, creating transparency in the workforce, and conduct special investigation involving employee misconducts, etc. Lawrence is a member of the AICPA and FICPA. 


In his spare time, Lawrence can be found at airports as he spends his time practicing his flying skills and go on vacation trips with the family. He has supported the mission of Pilots N Paws transporting animals to their forever-loving homes. 

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